Model 606 Split Core Current Transformer
APPLICATION: For energy management systems and instrumentation.
FREQUENCY: 50-400 Hz.
INSULATION LEVEL: 0.6 kV, BIL 10 kV full wave.
CONTINUOUS THERMAL CURRENT RATING FACTOR: 1.33 at 30oC. amb., 1.00 at 55oC. amb.
Secondary Cable: Two No. 16 AWG 6 feet long,
Approximate Weight: 4.5 lbs.
Window Sizes 2.75” x 2.70”, 2.60”x 6.25”
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Ph: (978) 887-2020
Fax: (978) 887-2225
Ph: (978) 887-2020
Fax: (978) 887-2225
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