Model 624 Current Transformer

Model 624 Current Transformer

APPLICATION: Relaying and Metering. FREQUENCY: 50-400 Hz. INSULATION LEVEL: 0.6 kV, BIL 10 kV full wave. CONTINUOUS THERMAL CURRENT RATING FACTOR: 50:5-3200:5: 1.33 at 30oC. amb., 1.0 at 55oC. amb. 4000:5: 1.0 at 30oC. amb., 0.8 at 55oC. amb. 5000:5: 0.8 at 30oC. amb., 0.6 at 55oC. amb. Secondary terminals are brass screws No. 10-32 with one flatwasher, lockwasher, accessible from either side. Multi-ratios available on request. Consult Factory Approximate weight 68 lbs. Window Diameter 5.25"
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