Model JAR-0C 600V Indoor Current Transformer

Model JAR-0C 600V Indoor Current Transformer

APPLICATION: Designed for indoor service; for connection in the secondary circuit of a main current transformer to change the effective ratio seen by meters and relays. It’s accuracy is suitable for use with totalizing meters and relays. It is designed for use on circuits not exceeding 600V to ground. REGULATORY AGENCY APPROVALS UL Recognized - File E93779 WEIGHT (approximate): Transformer - 10 lbs REFERENCE DRAWINGS: Outline - 0121C33696 INSULATION LEVEL: Because it is used in the secondary circuit of another transformer, it has no voltage rating. These transformers receive a 60Hz, 2.5 kV high potential factory test between each winding and between the windings and ground. FREQUENCY: 50-60 Hz Auxiliary Current Transformer
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