Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45 Medium Voltage Indoor Voltage Transformer

Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45 Medium Voltage Indoor Voltage Transformer

ACCURACY CLASS: 0.3 WX, 0.6 MY,1.2Z at 100% rated voltage with 120V based ANSI burden. 0.6 WX, 1.2 MY at 58% rated voltage with 69.3V based ANSI burden. FREQUENCY: 60Hz. MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE: 5.6kV, BIL 45kV. THERMAL RATING: 600 VA 30oC. amb. 400 VA 55oC. amb. The core and coil assembly is encased in a plastic enclosure and vacuum encapsulated in polyurethane resin. Switch gear style is similar to fused style. No fuse or fuse clip is provide, but inserts for fuse clips are supplied. Approximate weight 20 lbs., unfused.
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